
Thursday, 5 April 2018


Good Morning to you,

My mind is wandering....

I close my eyes, take a breath, and allow myself to travel to warmer times.

I am not visiting India, America, Italy, Cyprus or some other exotic place.

Today, I am much closer to home.
Today I am walking in my summer garden, which is overflowing with beautiful flowers.

Some flowers are tall and sway with the breeze, whilst others have self seeded and find their own place in the garden.

The clematis are busily scrambling up their supports, covering every spare inch of space.

Whilst roses, with their vibrant yellow, bask in the glory of the sun. With each passing day they become paler in colour, until their beauty fades and the petals float to the ground.

.... but whilst some roses have finished their display there are others, who are just learning to climb, stretching their branches towards the sun.

It must be summertime, as the fragrance of roses fills the air

and containers are filled to the brim with petunias, fuchsia and geraniums.

Where old containers are not thrown away, but placed on their sides and filled with flowers.

.... and Evening Primrose, always a welcome sight, stands alone unsupported. As the evening sun goes down, they light my garden with their beauty.


I watch as this young clematis, the Star of India, finds its way through the old plum tree, striving to reach the very top.

I feel so content and so very happy.

.... but then I pause, open my eyes and look out of my window.

This garden I am describing, is not my garden anymore, this is the garden I loved and cherished for so many years, which now belongs to someone else. 

The space I see in front of me, is very different.  There are no billowing flowers, no climbing roses, no flowers swaying in the breeze.

.... instead there is a garden which needs my help. I look closer and I can see the changes we have made, the borders have been dug, bushes have been planted and autumn planted bulbs are beginning to peek through the ground.  This garden is not the same as it was last year, it is slowly changing, and with my help, it will be as beautiful as my previous garden.

There is no sadness for my lost garden, because I look forward to re-creating the style of garden I love, here in my new garden. It will take commitment and energy, and this excites me.

So my first task of the year, is planting as many seeds as possible. When there are large spaces to fill, this is the cheapest way to create colour.

Every seed I plant will be wildlife friendly.... and my first packet of seeds to be planted are,


I agree with my favourite gardener, Monty Don, when he says 

'With lovely ferny foliage and elegant blooms in any colour you like that’ll keep on flowering for months, cosmos are just out of this world'.  

(Mailonline 15/5/15)

With a smile on my face, I know these tiny seeds, will gift me with the most beautiful flowers this summer. I have so many seeds to plant, that I am utilising every empty container I can find.  As you can see these egg boxes work perfectly.

.... and to keep me on track, I have a beautiful garden book, 'at the ready'  to record my plants

and I cannot wait,

to once again, see the cheery, bobbing heads of beautiful flowers, waiting to welcome me, when I walk into the garden this summer.

But for now, I just need to be patient..... oh and believe me when I say, I have plenty of patience, because I know with patience, my new garden is going to give me so much joy.

With patience, my newly planted seeds will grow. With patience, the roses and clematis, I was given for my birthday, will grow. With patience the plants I brought with me, will settle and grow. This is such an exciting time.

How about you? Are you planning your summer garden? Are you reading seed catalogues deciding what seeds to buy, or is your garden, already filled with summer flowers just waiting to burst forth?

Before I leave you, I just wanted to mention that I will not be with you next Thursday, as I have been invited to join another crafting group.  I've met the ladies and they are lovely, so I will have much to tell you when I write next time. I will be returning the following week, but on a different day.  My new day of writing to you will be Saturday. So I will catch up with you on Saturday 21st April.... my goodness that does seem a long way away.

Until then, take good care of yourself.

As Always,

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