
Thursday, 31 August 2017


Good Morning to you,

If you have been reading Ivy, Phyllis and Me! for a little while, you will know that I have two daughters.

.... and if you have watched any of Natasha's YouTube videos about the Dynasty 80s TV Show, then you will also have seen both my daughters and heard them laughing at the end of the YouTube clips.... which I absolutely love.

.... but I don't talk about Danielle very often. Not because Danielle doesn't want me to talk about her, but, like most young people, she is busy with her job and we don't seem to be able to get together as much as we both would like.  Danielle lives in the south of England and we live in the north.

We do skype, which I love, as it brings us so much closer together.  Much better to see her face, than she just be a voice on the other end of the phone.

.... but a couple of weeks ago, Danielle was super busy and could not skype, so she text Natasha and myself.

The text read,

News Flash, We are doing some work for Mungo Jerry. I've spoken to him quite a few times. I had to be professional and refrain from singing 'In the Summertime when the weather is fine' I'm so excited.

I text back to say how wonderful. In 1970, 'In the Summertime' was our favourite  song, both dad and I loved it.

I then asked, how long do you think it will be before you sing,

'In the Summer time
When the weather is fine
You can stretch right up and touch the sky?'

and I ended the text by saying, 'dad and I can't stop singing the song.  Dad's even whistling the tune. That song made everyone feel so happy in the summer of 1970.

Danielle replied, that she was finding it hard to work because she was so excited.  She also said that she couldn't stop singing the song either.

Natasha then caught up with us (because there is a 6 hour time difference) and sent us all, the YouTube clip of Mungo Jerry singing 'In the Summertime' and added that 'We have a weekend theme song'.

Danielle, replied by saying she couldn't stop singing the song.

Natasha then  sent a text to say that Ray Dorset (Mungo Jerry's real name) also plays the kazoo.

To which Danielle replied, I know, I know.  I'm just so excited to meet him.... how cool would that be.

Natasha replied, very, very, very cool.

I then text Danielle saying, I wonder what he would say if he knew, that we Bryson's were so excited that you were going to meet him. I ended by saying we were listening to 'In the Summertime', thanks to Natasha.

Danielle replied, Oh my, my day has just got better. My boss has promised me, if I don't sing down the phone to Ray, when the work is completed, he will take me to the site so I can ask Ray to sign my Mungo Jerry 'Electronically Tested' vinyl.

I replied, Oh my word, how wonderful.  Although Danielle, it is going to be really hard not to sing to him.  I don't think restraint is in the Bryson vocabulary. Remember you have your father's Bryson blood running through your veins.

Then Natasha came back to us and said 'Duet! I want a video of the two or you harmonising to 'In the Summertime'. As you can tell, Natasha also has her father's Bryson blood running through her veins.

.... and then we all calmed down.  Danielle had to return to work.  Natasha was working on her YouTube clips and I returned to my cooking.

So we waited with bated breath, for Danielle to meet one of her favourite singers.

All was silent.

So this week, when I skyped Danielle, I asked had she managed to meet Ray Dorset.

Well, she said and took a huge breath.

Yes, I went to his home and you'll never believe what I did.  I hid behind the gates.

I asked her, why on earth did she do that, as this is not the Danielle we know and love.  Our youngest daughter is certainly not shy in coming forward.

It turns out, that the work did not go quite according to plan.  The company where Danielle works makes high end electronic gates.  The gates were put in place, but apparently the colour of the frame was wrong. There had been some mis-communication. Danielle went on to say, that Ray (I do hope he doesn't mind me calling him Ray, as it is a bit cheeky when I don't know him) was such a gentleman.  He could have been really annoyed, but he wasn't he was very understanding.

.... but Danielle was disappointed that one of her favourite singers, did not get the colour of gate frame he had requested. Although it was not her fault, she felt she had let him down.

It turns out this was the reason Danielle hid behind the gates.

Although in her heart, Danielle's Bryson gene wanted to sing to Ray.... she said she couldn't help the feeling, it's just biological.... she knew she couldn't, so she kept popping her head up and down behind the gate, singing 'In the Summertime', to herself.

If only Ray knew.

The colour of the frame has been corrected and I believe the new gate is going to be hung.

At that point, when Ray is happy with his new gate, Danielle feels she can ask him to sign her vinyl copy of Electronically Tested.

I really hope he does, as Danielle will be thrilled.

.... and she said she will do her best not to sing 'In the Summertime' to Ray.... I do hope she manages to keep her self control.

So of course today, I just had to share,

This original 1970s clip of Mungo Jerry singing 'In The Summertime'. 

I knew this was a popular song, but when I read the amount of views, I was astounded.  51,681,874 people had viewed this song.  I really shouldn't be astounded, as it is such a happy song.  Listen, enjoy and I bet you will be singing along as well.

Oh and I will let you know if Danielle gets her vinyl album signed by Ray..... if she is successful I will show you the photograph.

Take care and I will catch up with you next week.

As Always,

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