
Thursday, 6 April 2017


Good Morning to you,

Last Thursday, you might have noticed, I was missing from my usual routine of writing to you. My normal routine, went right out of the window and things here at Ivy, Phyllis and Me! became a little higgledy-piggledy,

.... and one of the reasons for this was.

.... it was my birthday.

Normally, on a Thursday, I write and tell you about something I have observed, or I have done during the week. Then I add a recipe which I have also cooked during the week.... but oh dear me,  the best laid plans of mice and men.... this did not happen last week.

I did make a dessert and I did take the photographs and edit them, but that was as far as I got,

because on Wednesday, the sun shone and I became distracted.  Instead of organising myself to write to you, as I normally would, I decided to take advantage of the warmer weather, so I went outside to enjoy the sunshine and to do some gardening. You see, as much as I love living here in the North East of England, I don't enjoy the weather, as it  can still be cold, at this time of year. So  when the sun does decide to shine, I love nothing more than being out in the sunshine  spending time in my garden. I felt sure I would have enough time to write to you later in the day, when I had finished gardening.  

.... but it didn't work out that way.  To tell you the truth, I was keen to divide my herbaceous plants, as they were growing very quickly and time was running out to divide them. I became so absorbed in what I was doing, that I did not notice the time.  The only reason I stopped dividing and replanting was because the air was getting a little nippy, so I knew that it was late in the day. 

By the time I had showered and cooked supper I was feeling tired.

.... and then the following day my birthday arrived and I did not have the time to write to you. My day was taken up with lots of surprises.  Phyllis rang me to wish me a happy birthday, by singing the song over the phone, which was so sweet. I spoke to Natasha and Danielle, I spoke to friends.... I opened presents.... and I have to say, I was thoroughly spoilt.  The day was flying by and then George asked me, if I fancied going out for something to eat, to which I replied, 'absolutely'.

.... and before I knew it, the day had flown by.

So, there it is, my reason for not writing to you. I spent a lovely day gardening and a lovely birthday, but the loveliness, replaced the time it takes for me to write to you, but I feel on this occasion, you really won't mind.

I am now back on track and  I am also pleased to say, the divided plants are happy in their new position and the garden is beginning to flourish once again. Suddenly, so many plants are shooting through the soil.... and the lilac bushes, whose perfume I adore, are even starting to bud. The lighter nights and slightly warmer days are making such a difference to the garden.

.... and what am I doing today. Well, I am going to celebrate another birthday, I am just about to pop over to visit Auntie Mim to wish her a happy birthday, as it is her 85th birthday today.

March and April are such busy months for birthdays in our family. Are you like our family? Do you have a cluster of birthdays during the same month as well? My goodness it takes some organising to make sure every birthday is remembered.  I still use the old fashioned method.... a monthly, paper calendar, where I highlight birthdays with a yellow highlighter. This method works so well for me. This way, no one is forgotten.

Or are you more up to date like Natasha and Danielle. Do you use an electronic gadget to record your family birthdays? Who knows, maybe one day I will catch up with the rest of the world, but for now, I will rely on my paper calendar. 

Take care of yourself and  I look forward to being with you again, next Thursday.

As always,

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