
Thursday, 17 November 2016


Good Morning to you,

I do love my home.

I take great pride in the fact, that during our marriage, with each move, of which there have been many, I have made a comfortable home for George, Natasha and Danielle.

Sometimes, the houses were large, with lots of space, which I loved and sometimes the houses were much smaller, and it was a case of squeezing 2 pints into a pint pot, not an easy thing to do, but with all the moves, I always took comfort, in the fact, that I would be able to pack up our home and transplant it, into another county or another country and that once everything was unpacked, it would feel like home again.

So I thought, today, I would show you a little corner of my home. Are you surprised? A little unusual for me isn't it, because you associate me with cooking and baking, but I do have other 'strings to my bow', I love interior design.

.... and the reason I am sharing my home with you is, I wanted to show you this fabulous throw which I have recently finished. I know, it is very un-English of me, to blow my own trumpet, but do you know, I can't help myself, as I am thrilled with the end result.

It was not complicated, and I did not use a pattern, as I have mentioned to you once or twice before, I start with a germ of an idea and the idea grows as I sew, embroider or crochet, until I end up with the look I want.

Which is what happened with this throw. Are you disappointed? Are you now wondering, what all the fuss is about. I grant you, this throw looks simple enough, a basic treble stitch.

.... but look what I added,

Three rows of fabulous frills.  I love the heather colour of this throw.  

This throw is made up of  treble stitches, which I merrily crocheted, until I reach the length I wanted. When I finished, I knew I wanted to add something else, to make the throw a little more striking and fortunately, when I was visiting a friend a month or so ago, we decided to pop into a local wool shop.  It was there that I discovered this dusky pink wool. It was the perfect colour, there and then I knew I wanted to add some frills to the throw. I have no idea where that idea came from, but I do find ideas pop into my head, if I touch material, or I see a certain colour, they just speak to me and tell me what to do.

To be honest with you, I hadn't a clue where to begin, but I just thought, I know how to increase stitches when I am knitting a sweater,  so I picked up my crochet hook and from there, it was full steam ahead.

First I added the frill to the bottom of the throw using the dusky pink, but I felt it needed a little more 'vava voom' so I crocheted another two frills.

I liked what I had achieved, but it needed a little something extra. So I decided to add another row of the Heather wool to bring the throw together.... and I think it looks fabulous.

This is a corner of my living room, which I love, perfect for the summer months, as it is so light and airy, but I wanted to add some warmer tones for the winter.

So my summery, light living room, went from this,

to this,

to this, and I couldn't be more pleased. I am so happy with this throw that I have decided to make a Christmas version as well, using red and green.

Danielle saw this throw and loved it, so I have made one for her, in grey and dusky pink.... and then Natasha saw my throw and also loved it, so I made another one for Natasha..... which is now sitting on her settee in America, ready and waiting for the colder, winter weather, which I believe, is heading her way this weekend.

.... and if you are thinking that the frills would be a little uncomfortable to sit on.  Don't worry as the throw lives over the arm of the settee when it's not being used.

I hope you have enjoyed seeing a little corner of my home.... you never know, it might not be the last.

Take care and I will see you on Thursday.

This week I will be joining,


As Always,

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