
Thursday, 27 August 2015


Good Morning to you,

I was wondering, how do you record birthdays, anniversaries and appointments, which you need to remember?

Are you a paper person?


are you a computer, Ipad or Iphone person?

In the back of my mind, as it is the year 2015,  I feel the correct answer should be, that I am a computer person. I am not without skills, I do use a computer quite a lot, but not to keep track of appointments or the like.

George does, he records all his comings and goings on the ipad and loves it.  Along with checking the weather.... yes, as you can guess, we are English and checking the weather is ingrained in our psyche.

..... but, to date, I have resisted .... and do you know why.

Call me old fashioned, but I love paper calendars. 

I love visiting card shops during the month of December, (did you notice I didn't mention Christmas) to see the newest calendars .... I will look at four or five, but I always end up buying the same style..... a line a day calendar, for each month of the year, as it suits me well. 

.... and the reason is,

At the beginning of each year, I love to sit down at the kitchen table, reach for a pen and record what is going to happen in the future. I find by writing the information down, I am more likely to retain it.

I love to be able to see at a glance what is happening throughout the week. I highlight birthdays and remind myself at least two weeks in advance that a card needs to be bought.... yes I do try to be organised. 

.... and I am happy with my paper calendar, 


each time Natasha and Danielle come home, they invariably encourage me to change my habit of a lifetime. They both encourage me to use my ipad and tell me, it will make life simpler. I always listen and smile, then I say 'I'll give it a go',


they both know, that I know, it won't happen, as next time they come home I will still be using my paper calendar, then once again they will try to convert me.

It is a little game we play..... just a thought, I wonder, will Natasha and Danielle ever manage to win me over?

... but there are no games being played today, as today, we are going to be making the second part of our dessert.

The roasted oats to place on top of


Mango and Labneh dessert.

Now then, you may be asking, 'Why are there blueberries on top of the roasted oats, when last week Daphne used mangoes'.  Well, there is a reason.

Someone, who shall remain nameless, although, if you have been reading my blog for a little while, you will know, it's George, ate the last remaining mango. It meant that I was scuppered, there were no mangoes left. I did not have a replacement, and I could not buy anymore, because the mangoes in the shops would be firm to the touch and not ripe enough to eat. 

Note to self: remember to let George know when I need to keep an ingredient.

So apologies for the blueberries, but having said that, blueberries would be lovely to use in this dessert as well.

So without further ado, 'it's on with the pinnie' and the music I am listening to is,

the fabulous Blake Shelton.  Do you remember, I mentioned, that I had never heard of Blake, until he dueted with Barbra Streisand on the song 'I'd Want It To Be You'. I had mentioned this to George, and he surprised me with this wonderful album.... and I love it.

BUT, before I share some of Blake's music from the album, I discovered this YouTube clip.... you may have seen it already as it has had a lot of hits, but it is the first time for me.  Get your tissues ready, because you will need them. 

Natasha and Danielle, are you ready?

Then when you have dried your eyes and composed yourself, listen to,

and fall in love with Blake's beautiful voice.

So while I gather my ingredients together, I am listening to,

I have played this album so many times, that I know most of the words, to the songs.... so yes, I am singing along and I have to say, as I gather my ingredients, I am also including, very dramatic dance movements around my kitchen.  It's just as well you cannot see me, as you would be in fits of laughter.


4 oz large rolled oats
6 or 7 large walnuts
2 oz dark brown sugar
2 tablespoons organic Agave Syrup
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 tablespoon organic coconut oil
1/4 teaspoon of salt

Preheat the oven to 160 C
140 C if you have a fan assisted oven

You Will Also Need

1 medium sized baking tray
Baking parchment 


Place the oats
onto a baking tray
bake for 30 minutes.
Move the oats around every 15 minutes.

Keep an eye on them, because ovens vary 
and you might find it takes
 less time to roast the oats.
Whilst the oats are baking, cut the walnuts into
small pieces.

You will notice there is a mix of large and small
pieces of walnuts.  This is because George enjoys
a larger walnut, whilst I prefer
 a smaller piece of
Place the walnuts into a small pan and toast until they take on a golden colour.  

It is important that you move the walnuts around the pan and
that you keep an eye on them.
I did not heed my own advice, as I answered a text from Natasha, which is always welcome,
 and I managed to burn a few walnuts.  
It is so easy to do.
As my father would say, 'Don't do as I do' Do as I say'.
When the walnuts have toasted, set  them aside for the moment.
Place the dark brown sugar into a small saucepan

along with
the Agave syrup,
the coconut oil,
vanilla essence,
and finally,
toasted walnuts
cook over a low heat
the brown sugar has dissolved.

Using the same baking tray as you used to toast the
oats, line it with baking parchment,
 as this will make 
it easier to remove the roasted oats
 when they have cooled.
Oops, here is my second mistake, I forgot to line the baking tray. I think I am enjoying Blake's music a little too much.

We'll move on..... Spoon the mixture onto the lined baking tray
using the back of a spoon, level the mixture.

Cool completely.
By which time you will have the most delicious, gooey topping.

Break into small pieces

on top
of your sweet and juicy mango with labneh dessert.

I thought I would let you know, that you will have some roasted oats left over, but they are delicious and I usually find once I place them in a dish, they are eaten by the end of the day.

As I mentioned last week, please don't be put off by the Part 1 and Part 2 of this dessert.  It really is straight forward, but because I take step by step photographs, it makes the whole process seem a lot longer than it really is. Just remember to drain the yoghurt and roast the oats the evening before and the following day, you will be ready to complete this dessert.

As you know, I always own up to mistakes I make in the kitchen, because I am not a chef, I am someone who enjoys cooking, and I am not infallable, I am prone to making a few mistakes here and there when I lose concentration.

I'm sure you are the same, have you had the odd mishap in the kitchen?

Take care and I will see you next Thursday.

This week I will be joining,


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