
Wednesday, 28 May 2014


Good Afternoon to you,

Have you ever noticed, that when you buy something new, or you become interested in something new, that something, which you have never noticed before, seems to appear everywhere.

For instance, when we bought our car, I knew of one other person who had the same make of car, but the first time I drove the car, the same make and model seemed to be everywhere.... alright I may be exaggerating just a little, but it seemed that every other car  which drove by me, was the same as ours. Why is that, obviously the other cars had been on the road before we bought our car, so why had I never noticed them.

..... and then, remember last week, when I took part in making a hooky and proggy mat, the same thing happened. I really don't think I saw any mats around, before this point, well to be honest, not since I saw the rag rugs in Ivy and Gramps' home, but that was many years ago and then, low and behold, I picked up a magazine, and there was the most beautiful proggy mat.... which I hasten to add, cost a lot of money, which really isn't surprising considering the amount of work which goes into making a proggy mat. The mat had not been made with scraps of material, but with carefully selected pieces of pastel coloured material, which when put together looked beautiful.

..... and then I saw a cushion cover which had been made with the hooky method. Once again, not made with random colours, but carefully selected colours and it was lovely..... but until this week I had not noticed any mats or cushions using this art form.

..... and then I discovered, someone within our Monday group makes beautiful landscape pictures using the proddy method. The material which is used, is mainly tweed material of differing colours and I am told that this lady's work is beautiful.

So why does this happen?  

Is it because, having been introduced to something new,  my brain is enjoying the newly acquired experience and wants to experience more of the same..... only joking. I was just wondering, does this happen to you or am I on my own with this?

So moving on, it is  time to tell you what I am making today, but first, in case you had forgotten, the ban still exists on all baked cakes.... well just for a little while longer, so instead of something baked, I have something which is 'finger licking' good today..... sorry to borrow the phrase, but you will find, licking your fingers after each bite,

of these Hot and Spicy Broad Beans, will be just what you want to do.  They can be as hot as you would like them to be.  For George and I, one chilli is ample, with the seeds removed, but you may prefer to add the seeds for that extra bit of heat.

So it's on with the pinnie, and the music I am listening to today, is 

the wonderful voice of Luther Vandross.  The first time I heard Luther sing, 'Dance With My Father Again', I burst in to tears.... it was so unexpected, but the words touched a place in my heart.

So, it is time to organise my ingredients,


500g broad beans
2 tablespoonfuls of ground nut oil
1 red chilli
2 tablespoonful of soy sauce
1 clove of garlic
30g fresh ginger
1 teaspoonful of flaked natural sea salt


Bring a pan of water to the boil,
add the broad beans.
Return the water to the boil
and simmer for 5 minutes.

Grate the garlic


remove the skin from the ginger

grate the ginger.

Remove the stem from the chilli


finely chop the
(I used rubber gloves for this)
If you prefer a little more heat,
add the chilli seeds
and if you like even more heat
feel free to add another chilli,
the choice is yours.

Place 2 tablespoonfuls of ground nut oil
into a pan which is deep enough
to hold the broad beans.

Heat the oil


add the grated garlic, grated ginger
 and finely chopped chilli
and cook for a minute.

Add the soy sauce


remove the pan from the heat.

the broad beans


toss the ingredients together
until the broad beans are coated.

Taste to see if a little more soy sauce is needed,
if so add now
toss together.

Place in a  bowl

sprinkle with flaked natural sea salt
then all there is to do,


Now, you might have noticed that I have not removed the outer layer of the broad bean.  The reason for this is that George loves the chewy texture of the broad bean, whereas I prefer the inner tasty bean.  So George eats the bean as it is and I pop the bean from it's shell.

Earlier I mentioned that these hot and spicy broad beans were food to eat with the fingers and in my mind's eye I can see Natasha and Danielle with a surprised look on their faces, because I am not a finger food person.  I am the person, who when she first went to a MacDonald's Restaurant, many, many years,  when the girls were small, asked for a knife and fork!  Yes, I honestly did. So they will be surprised to read that I enjoy eating these hot and spicy broad beans with my fingers. What is the saying 'Your never too old to change'.... I do believe that is true.

Take care and I will see you on Sunday.

This week I will be joining,


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