
Friday, 9 May 2014


Good Morning to you,

I know that normally, I would not write to you on a Friday, but today I really have to make an exception, because the postman has delivered the most fabulous parcel full of beautiful gifts.

Let me explain. A few weeks ago I entered a competition at  Linda's Crafty Corner.   We were asked to guess which colour we thought she would  use, to complete her beautiful crochet blanket.... and I  am so pleased to tell you that I was the runner up.  

Linda emailed me to ask for my details so that she could send me a surprise.  A few days later the postman delivered  a parcel and when I opened it, I could not believe how many beautiful things Linda had sent me.

Do you see the little note, "Saw this and thought of you".
 That was so kind.
 I am quite overwhelmed with Linda's thoughtfulness.
 I just love the peacock
 and my favourite flowers
 are roses. 
The scented sachet is gorgeous.

The second packet I opened, 
contained this beautiful crochet heart
which Linda had made for me.
 Do you see  the little pearl bead in the centre.  
  I absolutely love it 
 it now  hangs  in my sewing room
 along side,

this lovely heart which Natasha bought for me.
 They really go well together
..... and there is more.

Look at this adorable little bird with the daisy centre. 
 I have hung it in my kitchen
 to remind me of Linda's kindness.

This adorable fridge magnet. 
 I am not going to place it on my fridge,
 instead I am going to frame it.

These beautiful notelets, are lovely
and I just know that
 friends who are lucky enough to receive one
 will be so pleased.
 ... and there is more.... yes honestly, there is more.

 This lovely wrapping tissue paper.
 I was looking at the flowers,
 thinking they would be lovely replicated
 in applique or even embroidery.

.... and look at this fabulously quirky notebook.
 It fits beautifully inside my handbag,
 ready to jot down any notes I need to write.

There was also this lovely card
 depicting a thatched cottage
 and a cottage garden.
 Certainly my style of gardening.

Inside the card
was a lovely handwritten note from Linda,

and all the gifts were wrapped in this beautiful paper.  It was like Christmas.  I love each and every gift I have been given.  Thank you so much Linda you are the most kindest person.

Pop over and visit Linda's wonderful blog.  If there is anything you need to know about crochet, she is certainly your lady.... but also take the time to look at Linda's beautiful Violet Meadow Blanket, you will be in awe, because it has been made with 754..... yes 754, individual crochet squares.

Don't you find that Bloggers are the most thoughtful and generously spirited people..... I know I do.

Take care  and I will see you on Sunday.

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