
Wednesday, 30 April 2014


Good Morning to you,

My goodness, where did the last two weeks go?  It seems no sooner had we arrived at the airport to collect Phyllis, then we were returning to the airport for Phyllis' homeward journey.  It was lovely seeing her again and we have had fun together. We ate maybe a little too much, but that is alright, as it is only now and again.

Whilst here, Phyllis rekindled her love of knitting. She was always a prolific knitter, but had not picked up her knitting needles for about 15 years. I think when my father passed on she lost interest.

I decided it was time to remind Phyllis about her love of knitting, so I asked if she would help me sort out my wool. She was admiring the wool and had taken a fancy to some Chenille wool which I had. So I decided to strike whilst the iron was hot. I found  a pair of bamboo knitting needles for Phyllis to use and gave her four balls of Chenille wool and suggested she take up knitting again.... something simple like a scarf. She dismissed it at first and said she could not remember how to cast on.  I knew this was an excuse, so I persuaded her to give it a try.  I said if she had forgotten, I would guide her through the casting-on stage..... but of course she had not forgotten, she did it very well and very quickly. Initially, she cast-on 40 stitches and then decided that was not enough and cast-on a further 10 stitches.  She then asked me what stitch I thought she should use, and I suggested a plain stitch, so that she did not have to concentrate too much..... and guess what, after her initial hesitancy, she could be found picking up her knitting at every opportunity.  

Phyllis was always a prolific knitter, and used to knit using beautiful Italian wool. There was not a stitch that she did not know and I remember when I was in my twenties, she made me a beautiful cable knit jumper which I had for years as it was perfect for keeping me warm when I was out walking.... but, there was one thing she hated doing, and that was stitching the garment together, she would avoid it at all costs.

When we lived close to each other, she would pop over to see me and in her hand there would be a large black bag, filled to the brim with knitted pieces and I had the task of sewing these pieces together. There would be four or five jumpers all muddled together. I have to be honest, stitching the knitted pieces together was not my favourite task, but I became very proficient at steaming, pinning, sewing and finishing the jumpers, much to Phyllis' relief.

Before she left, Phyllis told me how much she was enjoying her knitting and that it was really lovely to be knitting again. In fact she was enjoying it so much that she had decided, when the scarf was finished she was going to make herself a matching hat..... I think the sewing of the seams will not be a problem for her.... I am wondering if once she gets in to the full swing of knitting again, will the postman be delivering large parcels to my door, full of knitted pieces, waiting to be sewn together...... I will let you know.

.... and now for some very different news.

Yes, it's true,  the birthday fairy delivered the "glorious" shoes for my birthday..... and I absolutely love them.  I love the colour, I love the style..... and I am so very, very happy.

The heel is just perfect and look at the beautiful material which lines the shoe..... isn't it fabulous and I have to tell you, they are oh so very comfortable, I could wear them for hours. I do love a nice pair of shoes, honestly, I could not be happier.

I have just realised, that I have been so busy with Phyllis, that I have not told you the results of the sewing competition which I entered.

The stars were not as aligned as I thought they were, because I was not in the running, I was not even placed, which I was very disappointed about.  The winner, it turns out, was a professional who works for the BBC.  I have to say, if I had known the competition was open to professionals, I would not have entered. Now please, do not think that this is sour grapes on my part, because I really feel, that as an amateur, I cannot compete with a professional. I am now over my disappointment.... well actually, it took all of five minutes.  I have thought about it and I have decided that this was not the competition for my bead work. So the lesson is learnt, next time I need to be more selective about which competition I enter.

On a positive note, I have a delightful beaded pinnie, but I am not sure if I should keep it as a pinnie to hang in my sewing room, or if I should frame the top part..... I will have to think about that.

I know this is not a regular post for me, but I wanted to catch up with you and return to the regular rhythm of my life before I started cooking with you.  

I have something delicious planned for Sunday, so take care and I will see you then.

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