
Sunday, 23 February 2014


Good Morning to you,

If there is such a thing as a "potato addict", then I think those two words certainly describe me.  Yes, it is true, I really am, a "potato addict". I just love their taste, and I love their versatility and I just love eating them, any which way they are served.  

For instance,

I love,
 potatoes which are mashed with butter and milk.
I love,
 Dauphinoise potatoes, which are creamy and garlicky.
I love,
 potatoes which are fried as chips or as pomme frittes.
I love,
 potatoes mixed with spices.
I love,
 early new potatoes simply boiled with a
 sprig or two of mint and dressed with a little butter.
I love
 potatoes which are roasted until they are
 crispy on the outside and fluffy in the middle.
I love
 potatoes which are baked in their jackets,
 then mixed with cheese, avocado and a little sour cream

.... and if there are any other potato dishes which I have missed from my list.... I will say it now.... I know I will love them as well.

There, I'll say it loud and I will say it proud...... My name is Daphne and I am A Potato Addict.

I think you get the gist now.

So with my love of potatoes declared to the world, today we are going to be making,

Potatoes Lyonnaise.... and they are really delicious and the added bonus is, they are so simple to make.

So it's on with the pinnie and the music I am listening to today is, 

the beautiful voice of Gwyneth Herbert.  I love Peggy Lee's version of "Fever", but listen to Gwyneth singing "Fever"... you will love it also.  "So in Love"  and "Falling For You" are fabulous to listen to. I often listen to this album when I am sewing or beading.... I just enjoy it so much.

Now, it is time to organise the ingredients,


Serves 4

1.5kg potatoes
1 large onion
2-3 cloves of garlic 
(depending on your taste)
30g of unsalted butter
5 tablespoonfuls of olive oil
1 teaspoonful of sea salt
to crush the garlic


Peel the potatoes
place the whole potatoes in a pan.
enough salted water to cover the potatoes.
Place a lid on the pan
and bring the water to the boil.

Reduce the heat
par-boil the potatoes for 10 minutes.

Remove from the heat
drain the water.

Allow the potatoes to cool.


slice the onions


place 2 tablespoonfuls of olive oil
into a wide pan 


brown the onions.

Whilst the onions are browning,

slice the cooled potatoes ... not finely but about 5mm,
because you want the slices of potato
to hold their shape when browned.

When all the potatoes are sliced, set aside.

Once the onions are browned

the crushed garlic
cook for 2 minutes,
then remove the pan from the heat
and set aside.

Now it is time to brown the sliced potatoes.

In a separate pan
 using a medium heat
30g of butter
add 3 tablespoonfuls of olive oil

Place enough of the sliced potatoes, 
to cover the bottom of the pan
and cook until golden brown,
then turn the potatoes and cook
on the other side.

As each batch cooks, place on a plate
while you carry on browning the rest of the potatoes.

When all the potatoes are browned,
return the pan with the onions and garlic
to a medium heat.

Add the browned potatoes.

Using  two forks
gently toss the potatoes with the onions and garlic.
Be careful when you do this
as you do not want to break the potato slices.

I took about 4 minutes to do this as I wanted
to make sure all the potatoes were 
coated with the onions and garlic,
also to ensure the onions were warm.

Remove from the heat



The usual way to make Potatoes Lyonnaise is to slice raw potatoes and then simmer gently in salted water, for 10 minutes, but whenever I have used this method, the potatoes fall apart.  I know what the problem is.... I like to use a floury potato which allows for crispy bits when cooked.  So to use  a floury potato, I find par-boiling them whole first, and allowing the potatoes to cool, lets me slice the potatoes without them falling to pieces as they are still quite firm. 

You might find you will need a little more butter, but I found 30g was just enough.  I mix the butter and the olive oil together, because the butter adds a nice flavour and the olive oil stops the butter from burning.

Now that my love of potatoes has been declared, I think you will find a few more potato recipes creeping into my cooking repertoire.

Take care and I will see you on Wednesday.

This week I will be joining,

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