
Wednesday, 10 July 2013


Good Afternoon to you,

My word, for the past few days we have had the most glorious weather. The sun has been shining, the skies have been bright blue and  each day a new flower bud opens and my garden is suddenly a riot of colour..... all it needed was some warm weather to bring the garden to life.

Because the long range weather forecast was so promising, we were able to plan a trip to the Rugby Club Car Boot Sale.  We were up at six o'clock in the morning.... which is unheard of in this household and we were  out of the house by six forty five.

I have to say, I am always excited when I visit car boot sales, and do you know, I wake up five or six times during the night with excitement, as you never know what goodies are going to be there. 

I am a scanner when it comes to car boot sales, I have visited so many over the years, that I can spot a potential item a mile off..... alright that is a bit of an exaggeration, but  I don't have to stop at every stall to examine the items, as I know what I am looking for.

..... but it wasn't me who found the first item, it was George.  We always stop and rummage through boxes as that is often where the little treasures lie.  I was looking at a wooden cutlery holder, which looked as if it had been removed from the owner's drawer and brought straight to the car boot sale. Amongst the very old cutlery, were a pair of glasses, which somehow, made me feel very sad. It looked like an elderly lady had mistakenly placed her pink rimmed glasses, in the drawer and was unable to find them. Sadly, they never will be found.

As I was looking in my box, George called me over and look what he found,

This Queen Elizabeth II Coronation cup, saucer and tea plate.

This is the saucer, showing the date of the Coronation, June 2nd 1953.  It is interesting to see the date written this way, as nowadays we would write the date as 2nd June 1953.  If you would like to see the book about the Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II please visit here.

The cup has the same amount of detail as the saucer.  When I picked up the cup, my thumb rested on the top of the handle, my forefinger through the handle and my middle finger rested underneath, now I know this is how most of us hold our cups, but the way this handle was designed made it really comfortable to hold.

Here you can see the gold rim which is on the lip of the cup. Considering this set is 60 years old the colours are still very vibrant, so I think it has been tucked away in someone's china cabinet.

Again, you can see the same detail on the tea plate. This tea plate is much smaller than the one's we use nowadays, I think it goes hand in hand with larger portions which we have available to us today.

You can see the detail of the handle more clearly in this photograph.

Of course, this dainty teacup, saucer and plate were never meant to be used on a daily basis, only on special occasions, but it was mainly bought as a commemorative set and would have been placed inside a china cabinet.  

Ivy, had a beautiful china cabinet and she had pieces, such as these, displayed behind the glass panes.  To Ivy, and to many women of her generation, their best china would have been placed inside the china cabinet, to be taken out and dusted each week, and then carefully replaced.  The china cabinet was always placed in the front parlour, a room, which was used for special occasions and for guests to enjoy a cup of tea and a piece of cake. The parlour was always pristine as it was only used now and again. I loved going into Ivy's front parlour as it was filled with so many interesting things, but of course I was never, ever, allowed to touch anything.

I do not have a china cabinet, but I will find a special place for this set, as after all, I am a Diamond Jubilee child.

We found quite a few lovely items, which I will show you later..... and it does include blue and white, which as you can imagine, I am thrilled about.

Have a lovely week and I will see you on Sunday.

This week I will be joining, 



  1. Olá, bom dia,
    somos parecidas, eu não consigo acordar cedo, quando saímos em férias para viajar, Alfredo acorda três horas antes de sair e começa agitas as crianças para levantarem. Que lindas essas xícaras, um tesouro, aqui não temos essas feiras assim que vendem coisas antigas, somente em lojas especializadas e são muito caros. Minha vizinha coleciona xícaras. Se eu comprar eu uso, gosto de arrumar a mesa com vários tipos diferentes de louça, fica uma mesa colorida.
    Quero ver sua louça na cristaleira.
    Bjos e tenha uma ótima semana.

  2. What a fantastic find! I loved watching the coronation of the Queen documentary on TV. This is a great cup and saucer!

  3. I have never heard of a car boot sale. Is that like a garage sale, an estate sale?? That sort of thing I imagine eh.
    Wow, what a great find.

  4. It looks like you found a jewel! I can't wait to see what else you found!

  5. Oh Daphne, what a wonderful find George found for you!! I would LOVE a set like that. Congratulations and now I cannot wait until Sunday to see what else you found. I LOVE car boot sales! Have a wonderful week.

  6. What a lovely item, how lucky you are. I still treasure my Princess Diana teacups and postage stamp sets that were given to me as gifts.

  7. Stunning! I love that you have this in your collection now!


  8. Dear Daphne,what a lovely set you have!!!A real treasure!!
    I've got a box from London ,my dad bought if for me,with the Roual Wedding of H.R.H Prince of Wales and Lady Diana Spencer,29th July 1981!!!Thank you for sharing!!Have a lovely day!!

  9. What a wonderful treasure, Daphne! Isn't it incredible to think about Elizabeth II's coronation? She's been such an amazing monarch. She's reigned with poise and grace through enormous social change. Watching the Diamond Jubilee celebrations last year were such fun for us Anglophiles in the States!

    I happened to be in London in August 1982. Prince William's christening took place on the Queen Mother's 80th birthday, I think it was. Such fun commemorative pieces were made even for that occasion.

    Thanks so much for joining Grace at Home!

  10. You have a total treasure here, you're making me SWOONnnnn!!!!! I love the Queen, wish I found something with her image, like a Wall plate or something! Thanks for sharing and thank you for your lovely visit. Big hugs,dear Daphne.

  11. How exciting to go to a car boot sale and to find the Coronation pieces. I might have told you I have a brass door knocker commemorating the coronation. I used to collect British commemorative things some years ago, but sold all but the door knocker. Hope you have a great weekend.

  12. wow..that's a beautiful find...loved it

  13. What a beautiful treasure, George certainly does have a keen eye. I had to laugh about your sleepless night. The same thing happens to me when I know I'm getting up early to go on a treasure hunt. So exciting!!

  14. hello
    une vraie collectionneuse
    c'est une très belle tasse à la gloire de la reine
    " God save the queen "
    bonne journée

  15. Bellissime le tue tazze con la regina sorridente!!


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