
Thursday, 27 June 2013


Good Morning to you,

This is a short and sweet post, but one I wanted to share with you.

I know many of you have changed to bloglovin', but just in case you have not, I wanted to remind you that as from July 1st you will not be able to read your blogs in Google Reader as that facility is ending.

If you are unsure how to make the transition from Google Reader to bloglovin', then pop over and pay a visit to,

you will find a wonderfully, easy tutorial to follow and also, I know you will love her blog.


  1. I wonder if 'Friends connect' is going also?

  2. I follow you on Feedly. July 1 is creeping up fast, isn't it! Hope you have a happy day.

  3. Hi Daphne, Thanks you for stopping by MAY DAYS. I'm going to have a look around. your lovely blog. I have learned a few things, too. Google Reader has been on my to-do list, so thanks for the nudge. So many posts I still want to read.
    XO Rita

  4. Hi Daphne, thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a comment. I'm glad you enjoyed your visit and I'm very happy to find your blog too!
    I'm sure I shall enjoy having a browse through your blog posts!
    Thanks for the timely reminder here - have already signed up to Bloglovin.
    Gill xx

  5. It's always something LOL

    Now I have to learn something else here in blog land, sometimes it's very hard for me to figure out
    thanks for any help

  6. Hey Daphne, Thank you for the compliment of my hair. I am just thrilled that I love it and that I found some one equally as great or better just 5 minutes away! Wow, lucky me. Have a great Thursday, k?

  7. Carissima, ora che ti ho scoperto seguirò il tuo blog pieno di spunti interessanti!
    Ciao a presto

  8. Hi Daphne,

    Thanks for the tip! I'm a little nervous about all these changes and have been lazy about getting down to business and researching this issue. Will definitely visit Karen's blog for some answers!

    Thanks so much for sharing!


  9. I have Bloglovin; although I think the future will be Google+.
    Following you in Bloglovin

  10. I just moved over to Bloglovin' too and am finding my way around. So far it looks very user friendly and I like that I can categorize blogs I follow.

  11. Yes, that would be 50% OFF of already low thrift prices. All tags that say $5.99 will be $2.99 at the register! Wha hoooooo! Thanks for your fun comments. I love hearing from my Daphne. (hug)

  12. I"ve got you on Bloglovin' ... you can follow me there too :) I also keep my own blog/link list which I actually prefer and whenever one of my faves adds a new post their site pots to the top of my list.

  13. thanks for the reminder. I wonder what will happen tomorrow? (Scary music plays in the background!)

  14. Hello Daphne! Nice to see you had stopped by my blog. I signed up with Bloglovin a few months ago and like that they send me an emial with blog updates. I never caught on to the google circle/friend thing, and it was so easy to add the blogs I follow when I signed up with Bloglovin. I hope you have a lovely 4th of July :)

  15. Obrigada pela dica, eu ainda estou no modo antigo e vejo muita dificuldade de visitar alguns blogs.
    Bjos e tenha uma ótima semana.


Dear Friends,

It is so wonderful to know you enjoy reading Ivy, Phyllis and Me! Thank you so much for taking the time to leave me a comment. I really do appreciate it.

Best wishes to you.
