
Sunday, 21 April 2013


Good Morning to you,

"Love and kindness are never wasted,
They always make a difference.
They bless the one who receives them,
and they bless you, the giver."

Last week, I was working in the kitchen when I heard the sound of the letter box.  I walked into the hall, and I expected to find the usual bills or circulars, but no, there, laying on my doormat were two lovely handwritten envelopes.

Last week, I shared with you my first piece of post, so this week, I will share with you my second.

and here it is,
a beautiful, handmade card.

The leaves are beautifully pressed and dried. I am not sure what the next part of the process is, as I am not a card maker, but the leaves look as if they have been covered with a gossamer layer of paper.

Can you see what I mean in this photograph. The gossamer  layer is more prominent. It is just so very delicate.

....and the person who sent me this lovely card is Diane who writes the lovely blog Lavender Dreams

.....and as I opened the card, look what I found.

Isn't this the most gorgeous pink handkerchief.  How on earth did Diane know that I love beautiful cotton handkerchiefs, I know it was a co-incidence, but it was such a pleasant surprise, because when ever I go out, I always have a handkerchief tucked inside my bag.

Do you see the pretty lace. I know the handkerchief is a little off-centre, but I thought it sat nicely beside the "lady in blue".

I shall tell you how I came across Diane. I was looking around the Internet, reading new and  interesting blogs when I found Diane at Lavender Dreams.

I was reading Diane's blog and reached the part, where she mentioned how she enjoyed writing letters and that she wrote to friends who lived all over the world. She said if anyone, who came across her blog, would like to correspond, then we were just to leave our address and she would write to us. So of course I did, because I love writing  and receiving letters.

I then became busy organising myself for our trip to India, so it slipped my mind to expect a letter. When  I returned from India this was one of the  two  envelopes which dropped through the letter box. As I looked at my name and address, I thought to myself, I do not recognise that handwriting, but of course, when I looked at the senders address, I remembered immediately.

It is such a beautiful card and such a thoughtful gift to send me, that  it really put a smile on my face for the rest of the day.

I am going to reply to Diane's card this week and  I  look forward to getting to know her.

Then blow me down, if I did not receive another card.

Now, I bet you cannot guess where this card came from. What is that you say, 

did you say India? 
Yes of course, you are right,

It was an Indian card sent by Natasha,

.....and as if that was not enough,

I received another card this morning.....and,

it was from Danielle. That mischievous little girl on the card is very reminiscent of Danielle when she was small, as she had the look of an angel, but she was very mischievous. The only difference was, Danielle had blonde hair..... and yes, she would have tried to get her hand into the large bowl of biscuits.....if she could have.....and if we had that many!

So, remind me not to complain about circulars, leaflets and the like, dropping through my letter box, because as long as every now and again, I receive hand written letters or cards, then I will always be happy.

It occurred to me, that you are very polite and not very inquisitive, as you did not ask me who sent me this card,

but in case you were wondering I thought I would tell you..... it was Natasha!

Natasha told me that she had been browsing through an old bookshop when she discovered this card nestled amongst "Bizarre Books" and she remembered Ivy's Cookery Book and thought of me straight away.....wasn't she kind.

The Internet is a wonderful thing, it allows me to connect with my daughters. Even though we are far apart,  we are kept up to date with the "goings on" in each others lives, but... 

to my mind, there is nothing like receiving a handwritten letter!

This week I shall be joining,

Take care and I will see you later in the week.


  1. Que lindos cartões, trabalhos e presentes. Lindo lenço rosa! beijos, ótima semana, tudo de bom,chica

  2. I love mail call and finding a surprise. I have a pen pal in the states and would love one in England. (Hint, Hint)!!!!!! Diane is wonderful, isn't she?! Love the handkerchief.

  3. Good morning Daphne,

    What a pleasant surprise in your letterbox! The hankie is just beautiful...I especially love the color.

    It was also very sweet of your daughters to send such lovely cards. They must take after their Mother in their thoughtfulness.

    Have a Blessed Sunday and a wonderful week!

  4. Such wonderful treasures in the mail. I've been reorganizing and found a large collection of post cards that we used to get from family and relatives and friends on holidays. We don't seem to get them anymore. I must look for them when we are out and start mailing them out again.

  5. How beautiful! You're so right, there's nothing like receiving a hand written card.

    There's been mention, here in the US, that our school system may stop teaching our children penmanship due to everything being done on the computer.

    I hope this doesn't happen! Have a beautiful week!

  6. I came over to look for more of your old books but your post was a coincidence as I just did a post this morning about the Internet versus paper and one of my examples was greeting cards and letters! LOL! To then come visit you and see not only cards but hand made exquisite cards was amazing and quite fun! :)

  7. Hallo Daphne!So beautiful cards you recieved!And what a lovely present!It was very sweet of your daughters to send such lovely cards!!Thank you for sharing!Have a great new week!

  8. Hello Daphne
    What a beautiful card from Diane - I love her cursive writing!
    I wonder if she made the card - yes the top layer is like gossamer wings!
    It's exciting receiving lovely mail like this!
    Thank you for visiting me and leaving your kind comment - I'm now following you too!
    Shane ♥

  9. Hand written letters are such wonderful treasures and I am afraid becoming a thing of the past. It is so nice to know that there are others out there that like to write letters. Thank you for commenting on my blog and following me. I am following you now and am looking forward to reading more. As I write this comment, I can see the photo of your blue and white transferware. I have a set of red transferware and "cannot live without it" either!
    Blessings from Still Woods Farmhouse

  10. What lovely cards you received. This year after reading a post from Sharons blog 'My French Country Home' I've started to send cards again to friends, as it's all too easy to use the internet & send email. I can understand how happy those cards dropping through your letter box made you feel. I'm still waiting for a card from anyone, telling me they're thinking about me :-)

  11. Hi Daphne!
    I adore to receive cards and keep the pretty ones. I also love pretty paper sheets to write a personal note or short letter. I also love this kind of presents and yours is lovely and specially coming from your sweet G'girl. Thank you for dropping by and leaving me such a cheerful and sweet comment. Have a super week ahead.

  12. I remember when I first started college, right before the internet days and email took over, I was receiving letters from my older brother, and letters from my maternal grandparents. I still have them.

  13. Dearest Daphne,
    That was indeed a lovely surprise for receiving all these beautifully handwritten cards. Love the one from Natasha very much and how thoughtful for sending you that book.
    Hugs to you,

  14. Hi Daphne!!

    I'm the same way when it comes to getting cards or letters in the mail. The pink handkerchief is so elegant and beside the blue woman is beautiful!!

    I always notice people's handwriting because I have what I call chicken scratch. I take after my mom and my niece has the same. Your cards a so beautifully written!! It's being thought of that I love!!

    Have a great week my friend!!


  15. Daphne,

    Que lindo esse cartões. Que surpresa boa!
    O lenço bordando também é lindo. Tudo lindo. Você merece!
    Amo suas visitas. Seu astral é tão bom que me contagia à distância.
    Uma linda semana, e que venham mais cartas lindas como essas.

  16. Came over from the comment you left on my Mother's Day Chair post. I enjoyed reading about your beautiful cards. I still mail cards and notes out each month to family and friends. I think it is so special to receive them.

    Did you know you are a "no reply" commenter?

  17. Oh Daphne, aren't you so blessed! I do love receiving an unexpected card! Your cards are lovely. You've taught your daughters well it seems. How special that they took the time to buy a card, write the card, purchase stamps and mail it to mum and dad! Email is just not the same.

    I keep all my cards in a very large English biscuit tin that my daughter saved from the trash after an office party. She knew I would love it. So even the card container is special. Do you save all your cards?
    Linda at The French Hens Nest

  18. What a sweet gesture! Love the beautiful cards. It is always so lovely to get real mail. Have a wonderful day!


  19. Good Morning Daphne,

    I've just spent the morning with my tea getting caught up with you.

    I've so enjoyed all the pictures and stories of India that you have been sharing. Oh my, the lovely gardens and beautiful fabrics! Wow- simply stunning. What a wonderful time you must have had.

    Isn't receiving a hand written card or letter the best thing ever.

    Before the days of the internet I would write letters to many family and friends. Receiving a letter was so exciting, I could hardly wait to get back in the house to read them, it was like, for just a moment, the whole world stopped until I was done reading the news contained in the letter.
    When my Grammy was alive I would write to her weekly, often times I would send a tea bag with the letter, as a way of sharing tea 'together' and having a chat.
    When she passe away I was given back all the letters I had written to her, as she kept each and every one of them. I took all the letters and made a book out of them.
    It is such a joy to go back and read them, and share them with my children. I didn't have blog back then, nor did I keep a formal journal, so these letters serve as unintended journal for me.
    Have a wonderful day-
    p.s. If you email me your address I will send you a card.

  20. Oh Daphne! What a fun, awesome post. I love how you photographed just the edge of the notes giving us a hint of a peek at them. So cleaver of you, you creative one. Thanks for your fun comments that have brightened my cloudy morning here. Thank you!!!!!!

  21. Handwritten notes are my absolute favorite. I love getting them in the mail. They are all so gorgeous and beautiful! And that pink handkerchief - my goodness. So lovely.

  22. Sweet Daphne, I am so pleased that you liked the card I sent you and the vintage hankie. It really is fun to get to know so many nice ladies on our blogs. We find out how much we all have in common and what a small world it is after all! Sending you sweet hugs tonight! Your blog buddy, Diane

  23. You are truly blessed. Don't you just love receiving hand written notes? Diane is such a sweetheart, so nice of her to send you that beautiful handkerchief.

  24. How lovely to receive not just one but several handwritten letters! I've been telling myself that I need to mail some out- haven't done it yet, but your post has inspired me. I will get to it this week! Thanks for sharing!

  25. It is always a treat to receive a surprise card in the mail, especially from family members. When I was young I wrote many letters to family and friends, often enclosing photos inside. Now everyone seems to use facebook or e-mail instead. It's easy and quick that way, but sadly less permanent.

    I've also exchanged cards with Diane --she is very sweet! If you e-mail your address to me I'll also send you a card, Daphne!

  26. It's so sad that handwritten notes have become so rare. They really have so much more meaning. You have really inspired me to get out my notes and write to someone that has been on my mind. Thanks for the nudge!


  27. Dafne las tarjetas son un gran trabajo hecho a mano hechas con cariño,hecho de menos también las cartas escritas a mano reflejan los sentimientos...gracias por su comentario,abrazos y abrazos.

  28. Hi Daphne, I agree, there is something so special about a hand written letter, that you will never get with an email. How nice that you were blessed with so many lately. But I think that's the kind of person you are, that you inspire people to do that. :) Have a wonderful day!



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