
Wednesday, 14 November 2012


Good Morning to you,
Dare I say the word..... Christmas. 
What's that you say,  I didn't hear you?
Did you say, Christmas?
Ok, I'll say it louder, CHRISTMAS is just around the corner!
So, with Christmas in mind, 
for the last few months,
been cutting, sewing and beading
to add to
collection of hearts.
I add more each year
as I have
 uses for them.
I use hearts, inter-mingled with garlands
 on my banister.
 Red and green  truly herald
for me.
I hang them in my kitchen.
I have been known not to  take them down,
until Spring arrives,
 well ,
only to dust them!
I hang them from my ironwork bookcases
amongst the swirls
and curls.
I tie them onto door knobs
I have been known to give them as gifts
I have made smaller hearts to decorate Christmas gifts,
and as you get to know me, you will come to know that I love
This week I shall be joining,
Take care and I will see you later in the week.
Best Wishes
Daphne xxx 


  1. What cheerily beautiful hearts! I've begun working on wreaths...some 'for pretty' and some for fun but bright and lively, every one.

    1. Good Morning Jacqueline, I think we are all beginning to get in Christmas mode with crafting. My favourite Christmas colours are red and green....I love colour, it brightens my life. Best Wishes Daphne

  2. Love your hearts! Each different and each lovely. Handmade is best. Notice how I'm ignoring *Christmas* --- oops!

    1. Good Morning to you, Thank you so much. I love handmade Christmas goodies, whether food or craft. Hah, you couldn't ignore the word Christmas for long, only teasing. Have a lovely day. Best Wishes Daphne

  3. Oh I have been busy decorating for Christmas. I start pulling out the bins the first of November.
    Every room gets a little touch of Christmas.
    Your hearts are adorable.

    1. Good Morning Linda, I think if you like homemade touches for Christmas, then you do have to start early. I'm the same, I like a little Christmas in each room, I have been promising to make myself a Christmas Quilt, but haven't got around to that yet....hopefully for next year. Best Wishes Daphne

  4. Oh Daphne they are beautiful!!! and please don't remind me that Christmas is just around the corner, oh my!

  5. Good Morning Debbie, I know wasn't I a "minx" reminding everyone that Christmas is just around the corner! You are tremendously organised, so you will not have to worry about the days slipping by. Have a lovely day today, Best Wishes Daphne

  6. I am totally listening to Christmas music already and thinking Christmas. What greater thing to be thankful for!

    I read your comment on Pat's blog about your age. That was such a beautiful comment. I am in love with your mom already! What an amazing attitude.

    1. Good Evening that name as it is my middle name. I love listening to Christmas music, sometimes choirs singing, sometimes Tony Bennett, sometimes Michael Bublea, they are sure to put me in the festive mood.

      Thank you, Phyllis is very young at heart and loves to dance and she certainly doesn't let her age stop her. She flew on her own for the first time in August, which was very brave.

      Thank you for stopping by, I shall pop over and visit you later. Have a lovely evening, Best Wishes Daphne

  7. What beautiful work! They're lovely! You're right! Xmas isn't far away and to think...I haven't even gotten through Thanksgiving yet.

    1. Good Evening Mary, Thank you so much. I forget that in America you enjoy Thanksgiving first and as they say "one thing at a time".

      Have a lovely Thanksgiving with your family. Best Wishes Daphne

  8. ACK! I had the same shocking realization just now - how can it be time for whisper whisper december 25th?!

    Your hearts are so darling! My mom used to make me heart ornaments every year. :)

    Happy Rednesday!

    1. Good Evening Sally, Thank you for stopping by and visiting me. I know, 25th December will be here before we know it. I find November is skipping by at an incredible rate. How lovely that your mum made you heart ornaments at Christmas. It must have brought back lovely memories when you saw mine. Thank you for stopping by, I shall pop over and visit you later. Have a lovely evening. Best Wishes Daphne

  9. Lovely work - and you could even keep them hanging around until Valentine's!

    Popped in from Rednesday ~

    1. Good Evening Tami, Thank you for visiting. You are right, they are useful for Valentine's....secretly, that is why I leave them up until Spring arrives, so that I can re-use them.....and I also love the bright colour, it cheers me up during our long dark winters.
      I popped over earlier to visit you, but had to leave as the phone rang, so I will call back to see you later. Best Wishes Daphne

  10. Hallo Daphne!Those little red hurts are so beautiful!!You are very talent!And i know Christmas is comming !!!Thank you for your kind comment my friend!Wising you a lovely evening!!

  11. Replies
    1. Good Afternoon Daniela, Hearts have a special place in my heart. My engagement ring is in the shape of a heart and as I look around the house I see, I own many sorts of heart shapes. Have a lovely day. Best Wishes Daphne

  12. I say it each year, when Septermber comes, whatch out! the rest of the year jets by.
    These are lovly heart, you are gifted with the needle.

    1. Good Morning Tammy, You are right, time is moving so quickly. I am truly focused on Christmas now and on 1st December I shall be bringing all my Christmas goodies down from the loft....can't wait. Enjoy your day. Best Wishes Daphne

  13. Kalispara Dimi, Thank you, I'm so pleased you liked my hearts. I knew Christmas wasn't far away as I saw it on your "Days to Christmas" counter. Take care, I hope you are warm by your lovely log fire. Best Wishes Daphne

  14. Your lovely red hearts are beautiful, do you stitch all those beads on by hand? How ever you do it it takes a lot of patience. & that's one thing I lack ( I should have written that as one of the 11 things about me ) I love doing hand crafty things. but never seem to have the patience to do all the fiddly bits at the end.
    Best wishes Barbara

    1. Hello Barbara, thank you so much....I just lose myself in my work, I have been known to set an alarm if there is something I need to do at a certain cook George a meal! only joking. He's very patient. Have a lovely week. Best Wishes Daphne

  15. Daphne, these are really so beautiful! I wouldn't want to take them down after Christmas either. You do amazing work!

  16. Good Morning Gina, It's sweet of you to say so, I'm glad you enjoyed the photos. If you've noticed little snippets of my kitchen, you will see I love bright colours, they make the day so happy when it is grey outside. Have a lovely day. Best Wishes Daphne

  17. Daphne,

    Estou surpresa de como esse ano passou rápido, e já é quase Natal.
    Esses corações são lindos e eu usaria em qualquer época do ano. Lindo trabalho!
    Fico sempre muito feliz com suas visitas. Gosto demais de vir aqui. Você transmite muita alegria em suas publicações.
    Um lindo e abençoado final de semana. Beijos

    1. Good Morning Lucinha, Like you I am surprised how time has flown this year. Thank you for your kind comments, I am so pleased you enjoy visiting my blog and in return it is lovely "talking" to you by way of the comments section. Have a lovely weekend, in your beautiful part of the world. Best Wishes Daphne

  18. Those are so pretty and feminine looking. I would love to learn beading some day when I get good at the crafts I'm trying to learn now. HA!

  19. Good Evening Deborah, Thank you so much. I have to say the more you bead the easier it becomes. Once you have mastered it I know you will love it like I do. Thank you for visiting. Best Wishes Daphne

  20. Your beaded hearts are very pretty!

    1. Good Afternoon to you, Thank you for taking the time out of your day to read my blog. It is always exciting to know someone has enjoyed reading what I have written. Thank you for visiting me. Best Wishes Daphne

  21. I'm over from Sew Many Ways. Your hearts are beautiful, I wish I had the patience for all that beading.

    1. Good Afternoon Maria, Thank you for visiting from Sew Many Ways, it's lovely to meet you. I'm so pleased you liked my hearts. I can get lost when I am beading as the time just drifts away and I don't notice. Again, thank you for visiting. Best Wishes Daphne

  22. Daphne, I love the hearts, they are so pretty. I was just thinking the other day that I would love to make all new ornaments for my tree, maybe pick 3 or 4 things and make different sizes and versions, and these hearts would fit right in. Sadly it won't happen this year but that's ok. You make such pretty things.

    Also I wanted to congratulate on the Beautiful Bloggers award.

    Take care, Connie

    1. Good Afternoon Connie, Thank you, I was over the moon to receive the award. Yes you could easily make a small heart shape out of card, embellish as you like, then stitch, leaving an opening for the stuffing. Stuff then stitch the ribbon to hang and hey presto you have a heart for your Christmas tree. Don't worry, I'm the same, as I had hoped to make a Christmas quilt for this year, but it will be next year now. Have a lovely weekend. Best Wishes Daphne

  23. The hearts you make are so lovely! They must add so much to your Christmas decorations!

    Thanks so much for joining in this week!



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