
Saturday, 27 October 2012


Good Morning to you,

When I awoke this morning, I thought the bedroom seemed a little bright, so  I checked my alarm clock and it was 6.30 am. 
Normally at this time of the morning, it is pitch black, as the sun does not rise until 7.50 am.
I could have snuggled back under the covers, but I decided to get up and investigate. I looked out of the window.
Well I was utterly amazed at what I saw....SNOW!
yes SNOW!

The weather forecast had mentioned we were going to get a cold snap from the North, but we never imagined snow.
Winter has arrived very early here in the North of England!
Brrrrr.  See you tomorrow.
Best Wishes
Daphne xxx



  1. No, no, no....

    Not snow....

    Uck I don't like snow
    it's ok if I can stay indoors, drink tea
    and eat
    but that never hapapens
    I usually have to work, ferry kids to school, etc and those snowy roads are not for me!!!

    Stay warm and safe Daphne xx

    1. Hello Fiona, Yes, yes, yes! It snowed. What a surprise it was. I agree, I like to be indoors when it's snowing, but life doesn't allow that. We had to make sure George's mum was ok and to clear her footpath as we didn't want her slipping and sliding. I am indoors now cooking Sunday lunch. Have a good Sunday. Best Wishes Daphne

  2. Oh WOW!!! I would have been very surprised as well, but what an absolutely beautiful surprise. It looks so peaceful and calm out. Thank you for sharing this wonderful photo. Stay warm :)

    1. Good Afternoon Amy, Yes it was a lovely surprise. It looked like a scene from a Christmas card. We have turned up the heating and keeping warm. Have a lovely day today. Best Wishes Daphen

  3. Hallo Daphne!Wow!!You have snow!!Its fantastic!I love snowing!Its going to snow here in January!!Long time!!Enjoy this beautiful view cooking something special my friend!Wish you a great weekend!!

    1. Kalispara Dimi, So your snow arrives in January, does it stay for long? The only snow we had in Cyprus was if we travelled to the Troodos Mountains. The weather changed and people would be skiing. Then we would travel back down the mountain and we would be greeted by warm sunshine.It was like we were living in a different country. Enjoy your day. Best Wishes Daphne

  4. Stay warm! It does look pretty!

    1. Good Afternoon to you, Yes the snow does look pretty and I prefer to view it from inside the house where I can stay nice and warm and cosy. Although the children who live around us, love the snow and have great fun.We can hear all the shrieks of laughter which in turn makes us smile. Have a good day. Best Wishes Daphne

  5. We're having a cold front also, but nothing like yours!
    Stay warm!

    1. Good Afternoon Mary, The weather seems to be a little odd around the world at the moment. We don't normally have snow in October. The weather gives me an excuse to get on with my sewing, well not that I really need an excuse. Have a lovely day. Best Wishes Daphne

  6. We also got snow but these early October snow storms melt away fast and make everything Autumn have a fluffy powdered sugar look. Take care and keep me posted on your snow storms, k?

    1. Good Afternoon Renae, So you get early October snow storms. This is so unusual for us. I have had to find my boots, gloves, hats and scarves which I was not going to do until November. I am now prepared. Have a lovely day. Best Wishes Daphne

  7. That is enough to give me shivers and make me want to dive back under the covers!

    Sending warm hugs, warmer cocoa, and wishes for a much milder winter than last years.

    1. Hello Jacqueline, I have to say, after taking the photo at 6.30 am, I did dive back under the covers. Do you think we bloggers are a little crazy to be taking photos so early in the morning? Thank you for the warm hugs and warm cocoa, they are gratefully received. Have a lovely Sunday. Best Wishes Daphne

  8. Linda neve!!Adorei ver!Ótimo domingo!beijos,chica

    1. Good Afternoon Chica, I'm so pleased you liked the photo. It does look pretty with the snow on the houses. Have a lovely day today. Best Wishes Daphne

  9. Would it be weird if I said I love the first snow? I wonder how long until we see the white stuff here in New York. Stay warm!

    1. Hello Gina, No it wouldn't be weired to say you love the first snow. I think my surprise was the fact that it had arrived so early. Given a choice I would rather view it from the inside, but fingers crossed it returns for Christmas. Best Wishes Daphne

  10. wow! that is SO beautiful. I have to say, I am not a big fan of snow when I have to drive in it, but I like to look at the snow from the inside while drinking a hot cup of coffee/tea!

    1. Good Afternoon Daniela, The snow does look so pretty, but I agree, I don't particularly like driving in it. I like to stay indoors where I am warm and cosy. Have a lovely Sunday. Best Wishes Daphne

  11. Good morning... Just stopped in to say Hi! Had some time so doing a little blog reading. I haven't had time to come around for a few weeks. Neat snow pictures... love the way it is on the roof tops. We have had a small amount of snow dusting here and hoping that it will warm up so that I can get out and clean the garden and flowerbeds before they are covered. Have a great week.

    1. Good Morning Marlys, I hope the weather has become milder so that you can sort out your garden for the winter. Our bonsai trees have gone to their winter home, (George's brother's greenhouse) and I think most things have been sorted now. Have a lovely Sunday. Best Wishes Daphne

  12. Daphne,

    Linda imagem da neve!
    Bom estarmos em países diferentes que podemos ver as outras estações do ano em todos os lugares do mundo.
    Um lindo e abençoado Domingo! Abraços!

    1. Good Morning Lucinha, You are right, it's lovely viewing blogs from around the world. Whilst your garden is lush and green, mine is going to sleep ready for the Spring to re-awaken it. I love Spring, one of my favourite months, when everything is renewed. Have a lovely day today. Best Wishes Daphne

  13. YUK!! I'm not ready for the white stuff yet. I hope it warms up for you. Thanks for stopping by and leaving that lovely compliment.

    1. Good Morning Linda, Snow is an interesting subject, it brings out so many different reactions in people. If you ask children they will say they love it. If you ask adults they say they hate it. I don't mind snow as long as I don't have to go out in it and I can admire it from indoors. Have a lovely day Linda. Best Wishes Daphne

  14. We got some snow here in Utah too! I'm not quite ready for winter either. Well I guess I'll just wish you a "Merry Halloween"!


    1. Good Morning Lynn, I wasn't ready for the snow either, when the weatherman said we would have a cold snap we thought it would be frost, so you can imagine my surprise when the snow fell. Enjoy your day. Best Wishes Daphne


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