
Sunday, 9 September 2012


Good Morning to you,
Don't you just love unexpected surprises that bring a sense of joy to your day. That is what happened to me yesterday, when I was hanging out the washing to dry. 
George was busy in the garden giving his bonsai's their final trim, before they went down the road to their winter home... his brother's greenhouse.
He stopped trimming the tree and he called me over to look at a butterfly which had landed on a Buddleia bush. "Quickly get your camera" he whispered. Even George is learning about photo opportunities!  I whispered back "The camera is upstairs in my sewing room". He asked why wasn't it downstairs where I had decided to keep it. I had no answer and didn't want to discuss it as I wanted to dash upstairs and get the camera, not talk about it. 
So away I went, hoping as I ran (yes ran) up the stairs, that the butterfly would still be there when I returned. Coming down the stairs, I was taking the camera out of it's case, how I didn't fall down the stairs in my excitement I do not know. I arrived in the garden "huffing and puffing" (maybe I shouldn't admit to that) and the precious little butterfly flew onto my windowsill. I walked over to the windowsill and it kept it's wings closed, but I carried on clicking just in case. The butterfly finally began opening it's wings, but each time the  wings opened, I managed to click the camera at the wrong time, but I was determined! By the way "click" is a professional term which  we "professional photographers" use, mmmmm.
I knew the butterfly would return to the Buddleia as they love the nectar from the bushes, so I waited and yes it did. It flew back, but just as I was poised to take a photo, it flew back to the window sill again. So again I walked over to take my photo, but this little butterfly was being very camera shy. I am not joking, when I say I walked backwards and forwards across the garden about five times. I think this butterfly was playing games with me and sensed I really wanted to take it's photo. George found this all to be very funny and whispered that this was a "Diva Butterfly" which one minute wanted it's photo taken and then the next minute it changed it's mind. 
So this continued for a little while, then when this little beauty finally settled and I was poised with my camera, with my zoom on I might add, a gust of wind came along and the Buddleia, plus butterfly were blowing in the wind. George whispered "go for it, just keep snapping and see what you get". So I took his advice, and this is the end result. 
I would like to say, these photos are because I am a very talented photographer, but as I'm sure you have guessed, this is not true, it was a very happy accident.  Here are the photos of the beautiful Peacock Butterfly, so called because of the four 'eyes' on it's wings which resemble those of a bird.

I am so pleased with this photo "Little Miss Diva" finally relented and allowed me to take her photo in all her glory!
In this photograph she turned with the wind, but the Buddleia is very pretty. 
 Wasn't I lucky that she just loved being on the Buddleia
 George said when he looked at this photograph, it was as if calf eyes were looking back at us.
 ....and again just as she was closing her wings.

....and  this photograph you can see so much detail.  What a beautiful butterfly.

Consequently we have decided to plant more Buddleia's next year.

I hope these photos bring as much joy to your day as they did to ours.

Until next time, take care,

Best Wishes
Daphne xxx


  1. Lovely photos Daphne.

    Butterflies are so pretty and so too is the colour of your buddleia.

    I had a dark purple one but it seems to have vanished this year :(

    I must get to the garden centre at some stage and replace it.

    Have a good Sunday


  2. Thank you Fiona, I was so pleased with the photos. Did your dark purple buddleia disappear because of all the rain? To be perfectly honest I was amazed ours flowered this year. A friend told me you can also buy a white one, so like you I'll be going to the garden centre to investigate. Enjoy the rest of your day. Best Wishes Daphne

  3. That is a very striking butterfly! Love all the bright colors! I had to laugh that your hubby called for you to get the camera...mine does the same thing when he comes across something "cool" in the garden. I think it is wonderful they support our passion. Butterflies are difficult to capture. The key is to take about 100 shots and maybe 10 will turn out :O)

    1. Hello Karin, Yes it was quite funny when George told me to get the camera. He continued to sit on his chair watching the butterfly, whilst I was running up and down the stairs getting very excited, but it was great fun. Best Wishes Daphne

  4. Your patience paid off and you got some lovely photos of the butterfly. They flit so quick it is hard to get a photo with their wings open. The buddleia is very pretty.

    1. Hello Linda, I was thrilled with the photos, but also so very surprised how good they were. I just "clicked" and "clicked" and "clicked" and my patience did pay off. It was a good day! Best Wishes Daphne

  5. I love butterflies to visit my garden. Unfortunately, I don't see as many as I used to. Your photo's are lovely.

    1. Hello Mary, Is it due to your climate that you don't see as many butterflies. We have decided to plant more Buddleia to encourage butterflies to visit our garden.
      Hope you enjoyed your weekend. Best Wishes Daphne

  6. Beautiful photos Daphne. The colors and design of the wings are amazing and yes, plant more buddleia! Thank you for running up and down stairs to get the camera. I very much enjoyed the photos but I also really enjoyed the story behind how you took them.

    Have a great weekend!

    Cassandra from Renaissance Women

    1. Good Morning Cassandra, I agree, the detail on the butterfly wings is just gorgeous. Nature is a wonderful thing. It was a really funny moment, George said he wished he'd had a camera to take photos of me running around the garden! Best Wishes Daphne

  7. Amazing shots you,ve got there Daphne!!So real!!Lovely flowers!Wish you a great week!

    1. Hello Dimi, Thank you so much, I'm glad you enjoyed the photos. I was so pleased with how the Buddleia looked in the photo, so very pretty. Take Care, Daphne

  8. Wow, what amazing photos! I've never seen a butterfly like that with "eyes" on her wings...she is really unique.

  9. Hello Gina, I know, wasn't the butterfly amazing, we were fascinated when we saw the photos, the detail on the wings is exquisite. Take care, Best Wishes Daphne


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