
Sunday, 12 August 2012


Good morning to you,

Yesterday I was busy tidying the garden,  attacking weeds  and deadheading plants and generally giving the garden a good "wash and brush up" ready for Phyllis' visit. I wanted to be sure everything was spic and span before she arrives on Tuesday. Phyllis is going to spend two weeks with us which   I'm really looking forward to, and I wanted the garden to look nice so that on sunny days we could  sit  and enjoy the garden. 

If you were to visit our garden, you would find a clash of colours.  I love subtle colours, such as blues, pinks and whites, but  George loves vibrant colours like reds, oranges and yellows. So our garden is a garden of two halves, which sometimes cross over and mix with each other, like our marriage really, as we are as different as chalk and cheese and sometimes we clash, but we also meld together beautifully!

 What a gorgeous plant, this Astilbe stands very tall, about 4 feet and it looks so light and feathery!

One of my favourites is Hidcote Lavender. When the flowers are dry, I use them to make lavender bags to put in my linen drawers.  Ivy used to do the same and there is nothing like freshly washed and ironed cotton sheets with the delicate smell of lavender to send you to sleep.

This little lady is  Doris. She is a modern Pink and she flowers continuously throughout the summer and the added bonus is, her perfume is beautiful.

Now for one of George's favourites, Yellow Loose strife. As you can see  by the colour of the flowers, this plant shines even on a dull day. This plant just gives and gives as every two years it has to be divided, so we can share the spare plants with family and friends.

Now I appreciate these are runner beans, but this is the first year I have grown them and I'm thrilled to see they are doing so well, I just hope the rest of the summer is warm enough for the beans to develop.

This is a beautiful little Campanula, her flowering is prolific and such a beautiful shade of blue.

And here we have Osteospermum, the flowers open and close with the sun, so are best positioned where they can catch the sun all day.

This  Amethyst  Trailing Geranium usually flowers continuously, but not this year I'm afraid, we just haven't had the sunshine.  I was first introduced to these beauties whilst living in Germany. The  balconies were overflowing with  geraniums, such a beautiful sight.

Heavenly white Cosmos in the foreground with large Daisies in the background. There's nothing more to say.... perfection!

I love these Garnet Penstemons as they don't need staking they stand tall and proud all by themselves.

Isn't this fuchsia beautiful. When I bought the plant the label read "Dollar Princess", but this fuschia certainly isn't , but I don't mind, when the flowers bloomed they  were a lovely surprise

Now here is a plant that says "Look at Me!" This Monbretia is just starting to open it's buds, it's a very vibrant plant, and again another which spreads so easily.

I hope you have enjoyed looking at a small part of  our garden. Our garden isn't large, it's just enough for us to look after and a garden we don't have to worry about when we are away travelling.

My idea of paradise, is sitting in a warm sunny garden, the flowers swaying in a gentle breeze, the bees buzzing around the flowers and me, well, just relaxing reading a book.

Paradise isn't about money, to me it really is about "stopping and enjoying  the moment".

What is your idea of paradise?

Take care and I'll see you later in the week.

Best Wishes,

Daphne xxx


  1. Your garden is gorgeous! I've enjoyed it all!

    1. Thank you Mary, it's very kind of you. Best Wishes Daphne

  2. You have such a wonderful garden with plenty of delightful flowers to show Phyllis. Have a lovely time together, Daphne.

    1. Good Morning Karen, yes you are right Phyllis will enjoy the flowers. It's amazing what a little sunshine does, suddenly the garden is in full bloom with something new opening every day. Best Wishes Daphne

  3. Daphne, the flowers are gorgeous! Thank you for popping in for a visit and the sweet comment at The Dedicated House. Would love it if you would share this lovely post at my Make it Pretty Monday party at The Dedicated House. Toodles, Kathryn @TheDedicatedHouse

    1. Kathryn, thank you for your kind comments. To be perfectly honest I'm not sure how to join your Make it Pretty Monday party as I'm a relatively new blogger. Perhaps you could let me know how I go about this. Best Wishes Daphne

  4. Hi Daphne,
    Paradise is all around us. Your garden is beautiful. I love all of the colors. It's lovely to take the time to really enjoy Mother nature. Did you figure out how to add your post to Make it pretty Monday? A hint for you is to turn off the word verification in your settings. It's under comments. Scroll down until you see word verification. You click No... let me know if you need assistance on linking up to parties.Linda

  5. Hello Shannon, thank you for visiting my garden. I'm so glad you enjoyed all the different flowers. I love it when summer is at it's height in England as the flowers just keep on blooming. Such a joy to see. Best Wishes Daphne

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Good evening! I love love love your blog :D I would love to follow you!!! I have many friends in England !!! One of my best friends is from Grimbsy & my dear friend Dave is from Lecister . Love your basil plant <3 I have a nice big one too here in Orlando, Florida! so nice to meet you !!!

    xxx Carol

  8. Good evening! I love love love your blog :D I would love to follow you!!! I have many friends in England !!! One of my best friends is from Grimbsy & my dear friend Dave is from Lecister . Love your basil plant <3 I have a nice big one too here in Orlando, Florida! so nice to meet you !!!

    xxx Carol

  9. love you blog !!! I have many friends from England and I live in Orlando, Florida. So nice to meet you !!!! I'm Carol . My best friend is from Grimbsy and my friend Dave is from Leicester. My bff is now living here in Orlando. I look forward to getting to read more ! xxx


Dear Friends,

It is so wonderful to know you enjoy reading Ivy, Phyllis and Me! Thank you so much for taking the time to leave me a comment. I really do appreciate it.

Best wishes to you.
